Someone stole my mind

It’s Monday morning. So what? Just like any days in a week, it’s not a big deal.

It’s sunny. So what? If it rains, don’t give a shit.

When you have too many things to do and you are not in a good mood for no reasons, time or works do not matter. Let’s put them aside and take a deep breath, eat something and sing a song you like, it gets better. I usually do that to get back my mind. But this time, when I’ve done, I fell asleep, lol. Or maybe I’m going to sleep right now?

Okay. Dear Good mood, I have candies here, I’ll give you all of them if you’re back to me, now now, be a good girl.

And Okay again, enough for talking nonsense,  it’s time to leave sensitive girl thing behind and get back to work.

Hello Monday, I’m done acting like crazy for now, hihi



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